Review 10/3/2009
They send out a competent, kindly technician as a kind of loss leader. Unfortunately, if you order up something simple, like camera work on your plumbing, he has to call his field supervisor - who is described as a camera expert - but actually behaves like no camera expert we've ever hired before. He is a salesman.
The recommended work was based on their incompetence (they couldn't get their camera past a certain point- and within 10 minutes, two other plumbers promptly found other access points and were able to pinpoint the problem - potato peels in the line). A snaking was all we needed. Rescue Rooter tore up our bedroom floor, and then, before closing the trench, told us we needed another $14,000 of work. They said our pipe was completely collapsed, but when we asked to see it, it was not collapsed. The supervisor guy tried to convince us that this rigid piece of PVC had collapsed and then "sprung back" to a round shape after he removed it. The plumber/technician was not in the room when this miracle took place. I asked to see the pipe, but the supervisor began to attack my decision making process, my second opinion plumber ( a trusted but very busy plumber ), and someone took off with this "collapsed pipe." If we made our decision instantly (while the trench was still open), they'd cut $2000 off the price tag for the (unneeded) repairs. If we had them refill the hole, we'd have to pay for this unneeded repair.
When we got the "collapsed" pipe back, various people stood on it and jumped on it - it was fine. You could park a truck on it and it didn't collapse, so it surely wasn't collapsed when it was under two feet of dirt.
Scam artists. We asked to renegotiate their original estimate- since some of their time was spent repairing their own mistake, and the camera work was never done. The itemized bill had inexplicable double billing - I know how many hours they were here, but in addition, there were now other fees. We rescinded our contract at the point we found they were lying to us - and I believe they had an obligation to repair their damage.
Instead of proposing some sort of fair price for whatever service they did provide (I don't think they could figure out exactly what they'd done that fit the estimate: repair Kitchen Line- it was still unrepaired when they left), they told us we'd need a "lot of luck" in dealing with them, and came off all tough.
This is a nationwide scam/practice, hostage bidding practice they run - and since it happened to us, I've found plenty of others who've had it happen to them. I'm contacting them. I see a class action suit proposed by one disgruntled patron - I'll contact him about reviewing them here.
They did have one competent, caring employee (whom the supervisor blamed for everything from not explaining their bid to failing to give us a copy of the estimate - which was the supervisor's fault - he gave me a similarly colored piece of paper, which I thought was the estimate, but after the work had started and I had decided to suspend it, I found it was some other piece of paper). I know they're going to blame this on their competent employee when it is clearly a hard sales scam.
Do not use. Go do the trouble of finding a local business (ultimately, this one is housed in Tennessee).